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Jill Home: +44 (0)1903 814 860
Jill Mobile: +44 (0)7850 102 200
Elsa Home: +44 (0)1903 246 030
Elsa Mobile: +44 (0)7892 893 795

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Jill Blake MRSS – Head of School. Available for Workshops, Foundation and Diploma Practitioner Courses plus demonstrations. jill@schoolofequineshiatsu.com. www.schoolofequineshiatsu.com.

John Brooks MRSS – Senior Assessor. Monmouthshire. 07850 758201. Jb134@icloud.com. Human and equine shiatsu practitioner.

Vedrana Ivcevic Dip SES – Senior Instructor. Croatia. Runs the School of Equine Shiatsu in Croatia, vedrana.ivcevic@gmail.com. Available for demonstrations, workshops, Foundation and Diploma Practitioner courses. Will arrange “holiday courses” and accommodation for visitors. shiatsuzakonje.com.

Elsa Krifdom MRSS, Dip SES – Senior Instructor for the School of Equine Shiatsu. Covering Sussex, Surrey, BN11. Tel: 01903 246030 / 07892 893795. elsakrifdom@gmail.com. Equine and human shiatsu practitioner. Yoga teacher and therapist. Applied Equine Behaviour.

Nick Goody Dip SES – Senior Instructor for the School of Equine Shiatsu. Covering Kent. 07946 383014. N.goody@btconnect.com.

Taychje Paul Dip SES – Covering Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk. 07590 424596 / 01728 635516. taychje@ymail.com. Equine-pharmacognosy (self selection) practitioner. Assessor for school examinations.

Jan Nolan Dip SES – Covering Merseyside and Southport. 07851 618167. janshiatsu@icloud.com. Human and equine shiatsu practitioner. Tutor for the North East branch of the School.

Jill Greenacre MRSS, Dip SES – Covering Devon and Cornwall. 07974 828006. greenacrejill@gmail.com. Human and equine shiatsu practitioner. Tutor for the South West branch of the School.





Debbie Poskitt Dip SES – Covering Essex. 07504 707839. debbieislay@hotmail.co.uk. Assistant tutor for the school.

Dian Van Eyck Dip SES – Covering Essex. 07772 642244. dianomite@gmail.com. Assistant tutor for the school.

Liz Ward-Holmes Dip SES – Covering Sussex. 07985 803338. Lizzie.ward-holmes@virgin.net. Herbal and essential oil healing for horses. Assistant tutor for the school.




Virginie Adamski Dip SES – Covering Cheshire area. 07833 523 532. zenonbahia@hotmail.com. Human and equine shiatsu practitioner.

Jane Clifford MRSS, Dip SES – Covering Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire and Kent. 07799 420750. Jane.clifford@live.co.uk. www.janecliffordshiatsu.co.uk. Equine and human shiatsu practitioner.

Amanda Davy Dip SES – Covering Surrey, Berks and Hants. 07812 485514. davylear@hotmail.com.

Annie Dunning – Covering South/Mid Somerset to North/Mid Dorset. 07876 137021. Anniedunning003@gmail.com and harmonease.equestrian@gmail.com.

Jane Envis Dip SESjane.envis@gmail.com.

Karila Faulkner Dip SES – Covering Dorset, Hants and Somerset. 07752660786. karilafaulkner@hotmail.com. Human and Equine Practitioner.

Melanie Finlay BHSInt(SM) – Covering N. Yorks. 07971 503306. Melaniefinlay76@gmail.com. Student practitioner.

Clare Frost Dip SES – Covering Essex. 07834 904910. frost.clare@googlemail.com.

Ali Grove Dip SES – Covering Devon and South Wales. 07850 263158 / 01984 631173. Fairygrove50@gmail.com. www.agshiatsu.co.uk.

Angela Horspool Dip SES – Covering Essex. 07505 363114. angelahorsepool@hotmail.com.

Catherine Ireland – Covering Bucks. 07585 974350.

Devina Lester Dip SES – Covering Bedford. 07765 257475 / 01767 316625. devinalester@googlemail.com.

Jo Mann – Covering Wiltshire. 07990 902877. Equine Sports Massage Therapist. Reiki Master.

Pippa McGhie Dip SES – Covering East Sussex, Kent and some of West Sussex. 07913 295615. fluidequine@gmail.com.

Anna Minchington Dip SES – Covering Kent, Sussex and South Wales. 01689 853183. anna.minch@hotmail.co.uk.

Amanda Pitman Dip SES – Covering Surrey and Sussex. 07952 406028. amanda.pitman@hotmail.com.

Nina Rawstrone Dip SES – Covering Wilts, South Glos and Somerset. 07786 830840. nina@qishiatsu.co.uk. www.qishiatsu.co.uk. Equine, human and canine shiatsu, cupping and Qigong teacher.

Lucy Stevens MRSS – Covering London, Essex, Middlesex and Herts. Equine and human shiatsu practitioner.

Jo Welsby – Covering Hants, Dorset and Wilts. 07539 232215. Phoenix-shiatsu@outlook.com. Low light Laser therapy. Thermal Imaging.

Emma de Haas – Equilibrium Equine Shiatsu. Covering Sussex and Surrey. Equilibriumshiatsuenquiries@gmail.com. Facebook: Equilibrium Equine Shiatsu. www.equilibriumequineshiatsu.wordpress.com. Student Practitioner.

Bonni Sawyer – Covering Suffolk. 07849 008249. bosawyer@hotmail.co.uk. Student Practitioner.


Jele Dominis Dip SES – Croatia. jeledominis@gmail.com.

Vanja Ivanovic Dip SES – Croatia. eetvanja@gmail.com.

Marjana Kirin Dip SES – Croatia. marjana73@gmail.com.

Sanja Kranjcec Dip SES – Croatia. ssfeniks5@gmail.com.

Zrinka Stritof Dip SES – Croatia. zstritof@vef.hr.


Marily Roumie – Covering Greece and the Balkans. +30 698 284 1415. marily.roumie@gmail.com or mrhealtd@gmail.com.


Pierangela Bazzani Dip SES – Italy. pierangela.bazz@gmail.com.

Danielle Minelli MBSc(Kin) – Based in Rome, covering Italy. +136 333 660 1954. daniellepilates@yahoo.it.


Anja Popovic Dip SES – Slovenia. anja.popovic@gmail.com.


Jeanne Berthoud – Switzerland. jeanneberthoud@hotmail.com Student Practitioner.


NOTE: The initials MRSS denote that the practitioner is a Member of the Register of the Shiatsu Society and have completed a 3 year course in human shiatsu. The initials Dip SES denote that the practitioner has fully completed 2 ½ years of the School of Equine Shiatsu’s Diploma Course. Those mentioned as Student Practitioners will shortly be upgraded to full practitioner status. It is also possible that there are other students in your area who have not put their names forward for inclusion but are practicing. If you cannot find a practitioner in your area, please contact us.

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