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Jill Home: +44 (0)1903 814 860
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Year 3 of the Diploma Course

This year comprises 5 separate weekend modules which have been described as “The Icing on the Cake!”  This is where we cover TCM  (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and techniques for removing pain, amongst many other subjects.  All the modules are horse based, often following experimenting with techniques on each other and include:  how to give a successful demonstration of shiatsu,  use of crystals and dowsing, healing circles and Sotai techniques.

This course is open to students from other schools recognised by the Equine Shiatsu Association (tESA) providing they have completed those schools’ requirements and have gained the status of an Equine Shiatsu Practitioner.  Each weekend comprises a separate module and although we like students to sign on for them all, in certain circumstances we may have space for other schools students to join in with individual modules.  Please contact us for details, and as usual we can offer our standing order payment terms.

The complete Equine Shiatsu Practitioners Course now comprises to 24 weekends over 30 months elapsed time.

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