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Jill Home: +44 (0)1903 814 860
Jill Mobile: +44 (0)7850 102 200
Elsa Home: +44 (0)1903 246 030
Elsa Mobile: +44 (0)7892 893 795

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Enrolling on the 2.5-Year Diploma Course

“I’m so glad shiatsu and I found each other because it really has changed my life. I think your school is brilliant - education with a sense of humour & great support”

The Diploma Course in Equine Shiatsu has been described by some students as a life-changing experience. For many it opens up a new career opportunity as an Equine Shiatsu Practitioner, for others it is a means to discover an unrealised potential. We quickly establish a very special relationship with students on this course, usually starting with their first serious expression of interest.

The Diploma Course now incorporates 6 Post Graduation modules and is therefore of 2.5 years duration. As we are only able to accommodate a new intake of students in September of each year we try to continue to take bookings for the Diploma Course up until 31st July.  Thereafter we keep a waiting list just in case someone drops out at the last minute. Although this is rare it is normally family or work-related and we will carry forward their place until the next intake. For those students wishing to book a place after the course has commenced we will add their name to a holding list.

At the beginning of July we will contact you by e-mail. The cost of the Diploma Course is £3,900 in total payable by 30 monthly instalments of £130 per month over the duration of the course. If you attend a 2 Day Foundation Course and then enrol on and complete the Diploma course you will be entitled to a discount of £130 off the cost of the Diploma Course.

Finding Yu Points

We know that enrolling on a 2.5-year Diploma Course is a major commitment. The course runs at weekends and most of our students combine their studies with a full-time job. They need to allow time for travel and, in many cases, budget for accommodation. We have an excellent network of bed & breakfast establishments in the area and as early as the first weekend lasting friendships are made. Students genuinely look forward to spending time with us and catching up with their fellow course-members on a monthly basis.

Enrolling a student on the 2.5-year Diploma Course is also a major commitment by Jill and her teaching staff and we like to take the opportunity to meet with students prior to finally accepting their booking.

When your course starts your Group will receive all relevant documents.  We rely on e-mail for communicating with our students and you should log onto your e-mail system as often as possible and also use it as a basis of communication with your fellow-students. All of this is good practice for when you become an equine shiatsu practitioner. Please also ensure that you are able to receive PDFs (Portable Document Format) which is the most secure way of sending documents via the Internet. PDF readers are available to download free of charge - just Google ‘PDF reader’.

And of course we are always at the end of a telephone and you can drop in to see us if you are in the area. We hope that, after reading this, you will want to start your equine shiatsu journey with us. Either fill in the application form or give us a call, either way we’d love to hear from you!

“I’m so glad I know you guys and you’ve allowed me to experience what I have, equine shiatsu is wonderful!”

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