What’s New?
We are now taking expressions of interest for the Equine Shiatsu Diploma course which will commence in September 2020. This highly successful course has been enhanced and full details are included in our PROSPECTUS so if you don’t already have one please click the button above or give us a call on +44 (0)1903 814 860.
If you are unable to commit to the Diploma Course right now, one way to whet your appetite is to enroll on an intensive Foundation Course. This comprises 2 days horse work including a full body treatment.
Our exciting news is the opening of our new branches in the North East and South West of England. Jan Nolan is holding a Foundation Course on 22nd and 23rd of August 2020 near Southport and Jill Greenacre will be arranging taster sessions and a Foundation Course soon on the Devon/Cornwall borders (dates TBA). Please e-mail or phone for more details.
Although it will not qualify you as a practitioner, you will receive a Certificate of Attendance which will enable you to give relaxing shiatsu to your own or a friend’s horse. The 2020 courses will be held on 25th and 26th of April 2020 and 8th and 9th of August 2020. If you are interested please send us an e-mail at info@schoolofequineshiatsu.com and you will receive a full Information Pack.
The fee for 2 days is £250 and we will require a £50 deposit to secure your place. Because 50% of students attending this course go on to enroll on the 2.5 year Diploma Course, we will deduct £130 from the Diploma Course on completion of the course.
For more information about our course just order a Prospectus and if you would like to see more about our work, you will find a short video on our website. This was filmed on location at Eastlands Farm, Warninglid, West Sussex during an actual course with input from second year students.

The Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust
Whilst at Hickstead 10 years ago, I made contact with the two ladies who raise funds for this charity. I was so impressed with the work they were doing in Gambia, raising the awareness of the needs of donkeys and horses, that I promptly decided that we should become sponsors of this charity. As a school, we have always supported a charity group and until further notice, this is now ours! We now sponsor a horse called Phoenix and you can read all about him in the attached document.
The scale of the suffering and ignorance about equines is, from what I have seen, truly staggering. These good people are constantly raising funds to help and these funds are used for buying new bits, harnesses, food, shelter and of course, veterinary care. Many of the animals are now fit and well and returning to work with better educated owners and their families. They now have a School Education Programme and weekly Donkey Club meetings as it is often the children who are the main carers.
The Trust is now around 25 years old and if any of you are interested in their work, or even paying a visit to do Shiatsu, please let me know. They have a visitor lodge in a neighbouring village and always welcome new friends. In any case please visit their web-site and find out what they do: http://www.gambiahorseanddonkey.org.uk